Anthony Beeler Instructional Lesson #7: Stroke Drills

by | Feb 27, 2019 | Billiard News, McDermott Cue | 0 comments

Getting a straight, smooth stroke is one of the best ways to improve your game. Having already shown you the basic stroke, Anthony now shows you a couple of exercises you can do to better your stroke.

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Hello, I’m Master Instructor Anthony Beeler and today I want to talk to you about how to develop a straight pool stroke. Having a straight pool stroke is one of the most important aspects in the game of pool. Today I want to show you a couple of drills that you can work on to help make your stroke straight.

The first thing I want us to look at is following the cue ball into the pocket. And, essentially, all you have to do is place the object ball and the cue ball in the middle of the table near the side pockets, and you’re going to practice following the cue ball into the side.

What you’re going to want to aim at is the base of the object ball. That’s the true center. If you have a straight-in shot, you can always find the center of that object ball by looking at where it’s sitting at on the table; that’s the base of the ball.

So as I’m getting into my stance I’m locking my eyes in on the base of that ball, and now, if I deliver a straight stroke, the cue ball should go into the pocket.

The second stroke drill that we’re gonna look at is drawing the cue ball back into the pocket. And we’ll set the balls roughly in the same position as before, but this time, when we’re down on the shot – and again we’re aiming through the base of the object ball – we’re going to draw the cue ball back into the pocket.

Being able to deliver a straight, smooth stroke is one of the most important aspects in the game of pool. Practice the two drills that we just reviewed. Practice following the cue ball into the side pocket, and also practice drawing it into the side pocket. If you can do this effectively, then it will enhance your ability to deliver a straight, smooth stroke on each shot.

The post Anthony Beeler Instructional Lesson #7: Stroke Drills appeared first on McDermott Cue Blog.


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